Contact Gerena Construction in Wichita before you call any other General Contractor for your home improvement.
By getting us Involved in your Home Remodeling Project early on will potentially be more Time and Money we can SAVE you.
Our Problem-Solving home renovation approach to Everything we Remodel means we can offer Ideas and Suggestions up Front that you may not have Considered.
We met our new Wichita clients through word of mouth, as they began to show us the floor in their garage was settling. She told us one day when she got home and stepped out of the car it felt like the floor was settling more. I explained that we often find voids under concrete slabs due to the builder using the left over sand from the site to do backfills. What happens though is if there is any moisture getting underneath that concrete slab it will wash away the sand causing the floor settling. Most of the time the concrete floor is doweled to the foundation wall and it’s what you don’t see going on under that slab that will surprise you during home renovation. Under this garage floor around all edges was voids up to 2 foot of washed away sand. The builder used the leftover mason sand which is very fine and settled or washes away easily. Gerena Construction uses crush rock for all backfills, we always use vapor barrier, chairs to hold our wire mesh in the center of the concrete pour, many may say this is over kill and does cost a bit more but we haven’t ever had any settling. This is a standard practice we use in our commercial application.
If your home is older, in need od upgrades, or disaster has struck, it’s important to restore, repair, and rebuild. Our team specializes in home improvement and restoration for any reason. Gerena Construction will inspect inside and out for all types of damage, including such damages as plastering, drywall patches, exterior paint, and stucco work. We will come up with the best plan of action for your home renovation and work with you every step of the way.
This gives you a look at what happens behind the home renovation scenes and why maintenance and up keep is so important. Once you see damage accruing it is almost to late, the damage is always worse behind what you see. Here is where we remove as much need to remove the decay of the structure. Once we find the areas that are sound we begin to replace the bad and restore the structure back to sound condition before covering up with the new exterior paint finish with our objective to matching the existing finishes.
We’ve worked hard to perfect our customer service model – keeping you informed every step of the way during the home renovation . We help you avoid expensive pitfalls early on, giving you assistance on your home improvement by navigating the permits process and constantly look for ways to improve quality and reduce costs.
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